Embrace Diversity and Empowerment: Discover the Benefits of Melaninated London’s Unique Lingerie


In a world where self-expression and inclusivity are highly valued, finding unique and empowering products becomes essential. Melaninated London, an innovative lingerie brand, offers a vibrant and extraordinary collection that celebrates diversity and cultural heritage. Let’s delve into the exciting benefits that await you when you choose Melaninated London for your lingerie needs.

Unleashing Your Individuality:

Melaninated London brings to the table a stunning range of African and ethnic printed lingerie, a rare gem in the lingerie market. By wearing these colorful and culturally inspired designs, you can express your unique personality and embrace your heritage. Each piece is carefully crafted to make you feel confident, beautiful, and proud of your roots. Melaninated London is not just lingerie; it’s a celebration of your individuality.

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Supporting Black-Owned Businesses:

When you choose Melaninated London, you are making a conscious decision to support a black-owned business. By doing so, you contribute to the growth and empowerment of the community. The brand not only creates exceptional lingerie but also serves as a platform for promoting diversity and equality in the fashion industry. Your purchase becomes a statement of solidarity and support for black entrepreneurs and their invaluable contributions.

Exceptional Quality and Craftsmanship:

Melaninated London prioritizes quality and craftsmanship in every aspect of their lingerie. Each piece is meticulously designed and produced to ensure the utmost comfort and durability. The brand works closely with skilled artisans and suppliers who understand the intricacies of African and ethnic prints, resulting in lingerie that is not only visually striking but also made to last. When you invest in Melaninated London’s products, you’re investing in exceptional quality that will make you feel extraordinary.

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A Journey of Self-Love and Body Positivity:

Melaninated London believes in celebrating all body types and sizes. Their inclusive sizing range ensures that every woman can find lingerie that makes her feel confident and beautiful. By wearing Melaninated London’s lingerie, you are embracing self-love and body positivity. The brand encourages you to embrace your curves, your uniqueness, and your inherent beauty. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own skin and recognizing that you deserve lingerie that celebrates your individuality.

A Gateway to Cultural Appreciation:

Melaninated London’s lingerie serves as a gateway to cultural appreciation. Each design is inspired by African and ethnic prints, bringing a touch of cultural richness to your wardrobe. By choosing Melaninated London, you can immerse yourself in the beauty and heritage of various cultures, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for diversity. Your lingerie becomes a canvas that showcases the beauty of different traditions and becomes a conversation starter about cultural exchange.

Discover Melaninated London:

Ready to experience the incredible benefits of Melaninated London’s unique lingerie? Visit their website at www.melaninatedlondon.com to explore their vibrant collection and find the perfect piece that resonates with your style and identity. Follow them on Instagram and TikTok (@melaninatedlondon) to join a community of empowered individuals and stay updated on the latest designs, promotions, and inspiring content.


Melaninated London goes beyond being just a lingerie brand; it’s a symbol of empowerment, inclusivity, and cultural celebration. By choosing their exceptional African and ethnic printed lingerie, you not only embrace your individuality but also support a black-owned business and contribute to the promotion of diversity in the fashion industry. Take the leap and experience the unique benefits that Melaninated London has to offer – a journey of self-love, cultural appreciation, and empowerment awaits you.

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Empowering Women in Digital Business: Natalia Nicholson’s Inspirational Journey and the Rise of WIDB

Photo by RF._.studio on Pexels.com


In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Women in Digital Business (WIDB) is making a profound impact on aspiring female entrepreneurs across Africa. Founded by Natalia Nicholson, a digital marketing coach and diversity advocate, WIDB offers a wide range of programs, courses, and coaching sessions tailored to empower women in their entrepreneurial journeys. In this blog post, we will delve into Natalia’s inspiring story of resilience and determination, and explore how WIDB is transforming the digital marketing landscape for women in Africa. By providing access to valuable resources, knowledge, and networking opportunities, WIDB is bridging the gap and equipping women with the tools they need to succeed in the rapidly evolving online space. In this blog post we’ll cover the following:

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Natalia Nicholson: An Entrepreneurial Journey of Triumph:

Born to hardworking Jamaican parents who migrated to the UK in the 1960s, Natalia Nicholson experienced numerous challenges growing up due to her dyslexia. Reading and writing proved to be difficult tasks, often leaving her struggling to keep up with her peers. Additionally, as one of the few black girls in her school, she faced discrimination and exclusion, exacerbating her obstacles. However, Natalia’s unwavering determination pushed her to pursue a career in the corporate world.

Beginning as an Account Manager and later becoming a Marketing Manager for a well-known brand, Natalia honed her communication and marketing skills while working with high-profile clients. However, a significant setback in her life led her to lose everything – her home, her money, and, most devastatingly, her confidence. It was during this trying time that Natalia discovered her true calling.

With limited investment options, she embarked on a new entrepreneurial venture, starting a cleaning company. Through sheer determination and resilience, the company thrived and achieved remarkable success, reaching a turnover of half a million within just two years. This success fueled Natalia’s ambition, leading her to establish an e-commerce inspirational gift shop and venture into the realm of digital marketing.

The Birth of Women in Digital Business (WIDB):

Natalia’s role as a motivator, organiser, and support centre for her loved ones inspired her to create Women in Digital Business (WIDB) – a dynamic online community that empowers underrepresented women in their pursuit of business success. With over 15,000 women entrepreneurs as part of the community, WIDB provides a comprehensive range of programs and resources to bridge the knowledge gap and foster growth in the digital marketing domain.

WIDB offers various services designed to cater to women at different stages of their entrepreneurial journey. For beginners and those new to the digital marketing landscape, the Ultimate Digital Business Bootcamp provides a three-day virtual event filled with practical lessons on effectively selling products or services online. This comprehensive program equips participants with the necessary skills to navigate the competitive digital marketplace.

For established business owners seeking to expand their digital presence and drive growth, the Empower Programme offers a 12-week online initiative. This program provides growth strategy sessions and practical tactics designed to help participants take their businesses to new heights within the digital domain.

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Addressing the Problem and Bridging the Gap:

Women in Digital Business (WIDB) aims to solve the problem of limited access to knowledge, resources, and networking opportunities faced by underrepresented women in the digital marketing space. Throughout Africa, many talented and ambitious women encounter barriers that prevent them from fully participating in the digital economy. WIDB is committed to addressing this disparity by providing tailored learning experiences, one-on-one coaching sessions, and a supportive community.

One of the key challenges WIDB faced in its early stages was effectively converting leads into customers. To tackle this, Natalia and her team refined their marketing strategies and focused on targeting the right audience. By aligning their messaging, utilising targeted advertising, and nurturing stronger connections through email marketing, WIDB was able to effectively reach and engage with women who would genuinely benefit from their programs.

WIDB’s Impact and Success Stories:

Women in Digital Business has already made a significant impact on the lives of countless women across Africa. Through its programs and community, WIDB has empowered women to unlock their full potential, build successful businesses, and create brighter futures for themselves and their families.

Many women who have participated in WIDB programs have reported remarkable transformations in their mindset, skills, and overall business growth. From launching successful e-commerce stores to effectively leveraging social media marketing, these success stories serve as a testament to the power of WIDB’s support and resources.

Looking Ahead: The Future of WIDB in Africa:

As WIDB continues to thrive and expand its reach across Africa, Natalia remains committed to staying at the forefront of the rapidly evolving digital marketing education space. The organisation plans to forge strategic partnerships with like-minded entities to amplify its impact and reach an even broader audience of aspiring women entrepreneurs.

WIDB also recognizes the importance of adapting to local contexts and cultural nuances to better serve women across diverse African communities. By tailoring its programs and resources to specific regions, WIDB aims to provide even more relevant and impactful support to women in their digital business endeavours.

Furthermore, WIDB remains vigilant about the challenges that lie ahead. Natalia and her team are focused on overcoming market competition, staying ahead of industry changes, ensuring customer satisfaction, navigating economic fluctuations, maintaining cybersecurity measures, and attracting top talent to support WIDB’s mission.

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Natalia Nicholson’s journey from facing adversity to empowering women in digital business is an inspiration to women and girls across Africa. Through the establishment of Women in Digital Business (WIDB), Natalia has created a powerful platform that equips women with the knowledge, resources, and support they need to succeed in the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape. As WIDB continues to grow and make a lasting impact, Natalia remains committed to driving change, empowering women, and shaping a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

Programmes and Connecting with Women in Digital Business

Connect with Natalia through the following channels:

Website: www.womenindigitalbusiness.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalia-nicholson-08956947/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenindigitalbusiness 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenindigitalbusiness/

Check out WIDB’s programmes:

Ultimate Digital Business Bootcamp: https://members.womenindigitalbusiness.com/ultimate-digital-business-bootcamp

Empower:  https://members.womenindigitalbusiness.com/ultimate-roadmap-for-profitable-digital-business

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The Inspiring Journey of Amen Amouna: Empowering Airline Passengers through Claims Management

In a world where air travel has become an essential part of our lives, there are times when flights don’t go as planned. Delays, cancellations, over bookings, and lost luggage can cause frustration and inconvenience for passengers. However, one passionate entrepreneur named Amen Amouna recognized this problem and took it upon himself to create a solution. Today, we dive into the inspiring backstory of Amen Amouna and his successful claims management agency, which has been helping airline passengers navigate the complexities of compensation for nearly a year. In this post we will cover the following:

The Beginning: A Vision to Help Airline Passengers

Amen Amouna’s journey started in the airline industry, where he worked in Customer Care and the legal department. During his time there, he witnessed numerous passengers struggling to claim the compensation they were entitled to under various legislations. Motivated by his desire to help and make a difference, Amen saw an opportunity to bridge this gap in the market. In 2022, he took a leap of faith and founded his own claims management agency.

Getiback  specifically focuses on providing legal representation and expert guidance to airline passengers who have experienced flight disruptions or issues. These can include delays, cancellations, overbookings, denied boarding, and lost or delayed luggage. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in the airline industry, Amen and his team are well-equipped to navigate the complex process of claiming compensation on behalf of their clients.

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The Problem and the Solution:

Airline passengers often face significant challenges when attempting to claim compensation for flight-related issues. The process can be complex, time-consuming, and overwhelming for individuals who are not familiar with the legal intricacies involved. Many passengers are also unaware of the legislations in place to protect their rights.

Getiback claims management agency steps in to solve these problems. By providing comprehensive assistance throughout the claims process, the agency takes the burden off passengers’ shoulders, ensuring they receive the compensation they are legally entitled to. With a focus on customer care, the agency guides passengers through every step, from gathering necessary documentation to representing them in negotiations with airlines. This expert support increases the chances of a successful claim and allows passengers to receive the compensation they deserve for the inconvenience they have experienced.

Overcoming Challenges:

Starting a business is never easy, and Amen encountered several challenges along the way. Building a reputable brand, gaining customer trust, and navigating the complex legal system surrounding airline compensation claims were some of the hurdles he faced. However, through perseverance, hard work, and investing in his team’s expertise, Amen successfully overcome these obstacles. Today, his agency boasts a strong reputation and a track record of thousands of satisfied passengers.

By prioritising exceptional customer service, transparency, and professionalism, Getiback has gained the trust of its clients. Word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied customers have been instrumental in the agency’s growth and success. Travelers in the UK and across the world have come to rely on the expertise and dedication of Getiback claims management agency.

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Understanding the Importance of Legislation:

Legislation plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of airline passengers. In the United Kingdom, for example, the European Union Regulation 261/2004 establishes rules and compensation guidelines for passengers affected by flight disruptions. However, understanding and effectively utilizing these legislations can be overwhelming for individuals without legal expertise.

Getiback specializes in navigating the legal landscape surrounding airline compensation claims. The team stays up to date with the latest legislations and industry regulations to ensure that clients receive the maximum compensation they are entitled to. Whether it’s assisting passengers affected by a flight delay, cancellation, or lost luggage, the agency’s knowledge and experience are invaluable in advocating for passengers’ rights.

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The Commission Fee Structure:

Getiback operates on a commission fee structure, which sets them apart from many other service providers. This model ensures that passengers can seek professional assistance without financial risk. The agency only charges a fee upon successfully claiming compensation for their clients. This approach reflects Amen’s commitment to putting customers first and ensures that the agency is motivated to achieve the best possible outcomes for its clients.

Looking to the Future:

While Amen’s claims management agency has achieved remarkable success within a short period, he remains focused on the future. To further enhance the agency’s efficiency and reach, Amen plans to embrace innovative technologies that streamline the claims process. This includes adopting advanced software solutions that automate claim documentation and tracking, making the process faster and more streamlined.

Additionally, the agency aims to expand its online presence to reach a wider audience. By leveraging social media advertising and influencer marketing, Amen plans to connect with travelers in the UK and around the world who may be unaware of their rights and the support available to them. Through these efforts, the agency hopes to extend its services to more passengers in need, ensuring that they receive the compensation they rightfully deserve.


Amen Amouna’s inspiring journey showcases the power of entrepreneurship and the positive impact a business can have on people’s lives. Through his claims management agency, he has provided passengers with a much-needed solution, offering them peace of mind and fair compensation. As the agency continues to grow and evolve, Amen’s dedication to helping others remains unwavering.

Travelers in the UK and around the world can rely on Getiback for expert guidance and legal representation. By navigating the complex process of claiming compensation, the agency empowers passengers and ensures they receive what they are entitled to. If you find yourself in need of assistance with an airline compensation claim, reach out to Getiback and experience their expertise first hand.

For more information and to get in touch with Getiback, visit their website: www.getiback.com. Follow them on their social media channels for updates and valuable insights into claiming compensation.

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Young Brit: Redefining Streetwear with Style and Sustainability

In a world of fast fashion and designer labels, there is a rising star that aims to disrupt the industry by offering unique designs without breaking the bank. Meet YoungBrit, a streetwear brand founded by the visionary entrepreneur Kingsley Noel. With a passion for sustainability and a commitment to quality craftsmanship, YoungBrit is making waves in the fashion world. In this blog post, we will delve into the story behind the brand and the entrepreneurial journey of Kingsley Noel.

From Vision to Reality:
Kingsley Noel, a Nigerian-British businessman and graduate of the University of Leicester, turned his passion for sustainable management of natural resources into a thriving streetwear brand. After completing his MSc degree, he embarked on a mission to create something that would bring people together through creativity, community, and unforgettable experiences. And thus, YoungBrit was born.

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A Fusion of Fashion and Culture:
YoungBrit stands out from the crowd with its unique designs inspired by the rich fashion and cultural fusion of Great Britain. Each product carries the name of an iconic and symbolic place in Britain, representing the brand’s commitment to promoting the beauty and diversity of the country. Whether it’s the Paddington sneakers, the Trafalgar watch, or the Soho hoodie, YoungBrit captures the essence of British style.

Quality Craftsmanship and Sustainability:
At YoungBrit, quality is paramount. Every product is crafted with meticulous attention to detail by experienced and skilled craftsmen and women. But the brand’s commitment to excellence doesn’t stop there. YoungBrit follows a strict ethical code, ensuring that all raw materials are responsibly sourced to minimize environmental impact. From the materials used to the manufacturing process, sustainability is at the core of every decision made by the brand.

Affordability without Compromise:
One of the major challenges in the fashion industry is the affordability of unique and high-quality designs. YoungBrit aims to bridge this gap by offering products that rival those of big designer brands like Balenciaga, Versace, and Gucci but at a fraction of the cost. By disrupting the existing designer market, YoungBrit allows customers to express their individuality without breaking the bank.

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Online Presence and Accessibility:
YoungBrit has made its mark in the digital realm, offering its products online through their official website and platforms like eBay and Etsy. This online presence not only makes the brand easily accessible to customers around the world but also fosters a sense of community among YoungBrit enthusiasts. Through social media engagement, YoungBrit cultivates a connection with its customers, sharing stories, inspirations, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the brand.

Overcoming Challenges with Support:
Like any start-up, YoungBrit faced its fair share of challenges. Funding, finding the right suppliers, and creating brand awareness were among the hurdles that Kingsley Noel had to overcome. However, with the support of friends, family, and fellow sneaker enthusiasts who share a passion for environmental sustainability, YoungBrit pushed through these obstacles to become the thriving brand it is today.

YoungBrit is not just a streetwear brand; it’s a testament to the power of entrepreneurship, sustainability, and community. Through the vision and determination of Kingsley Noel, YoungBrit has created a platform where style meets conscience. By offering unique designs, superior craftsmanship, and sustainable practices, YoungBrit invites fashion lovers to embrace their individuality without compromising their values. So, why settle for the ordinary when you can don YoungBrit and make a statement that resonates with both your style and your ethics?

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Connect with YoungBrit on there social media platforms:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YoungBritUK

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youngbrituk/

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/YoungBritUK

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/youngbrituk/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCio1VyhlDI4tcMwZafqaV9w

Celebrating Africa Day: Spotlight on Companies operating in Africa and making a positive impact

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Just in case you don’t know, Africa Day is an annual commemoration of the foundation of the African Union and a celebration of African unity, culture, and achievements. It is a time to reflect on the rich heritage and contributions of African nations. In honor of Africa Day, we wanted to highlight and celebrate the vibrant and diverse black business community in the UK contributing to African economies. However, when we started looking around, we found that there were many contributing back to the continent. I wonder why that is the case? Or maybe I am crap at research and missed them completely. If that is the case then leave a comment to educate me about the companies I have missed.

Instead, here is a list of some businesses that showcase African culture, sell products world wide including Africa. The list also includes Companies based in Africa that are working to solve problems in their home country. Join us as we showcase some remarkable businesses that deserve recognition and support.

  1. Chika’s – Chika’s is a food company that specializes in African-inspired snacks and meals. The company was founded by Chika Russell, who was born in Nigeria and raised in the UK. Chika’s products are made with authentic African ingredients and are sold in major supermarkets across the UK.
  2. Nubian Skin – Nubian Skin is a lingerie and hosiery brand that specializes in products for women of color. The company was founded by Ade Hassan, who was frustrated by the lack of nude-colored undergarments available for women with darker skin tones. Nubian Skin’s products are made in the UK and sold worldwide, including in several African countries.
  3. Afrocenchix – Afrocenchix is a natural hair care company that creates products for Afro and curly hair. The company was founded by Rachael Corson and Joycelyn Mate, who were both frustrated by the lack of natural hair care options available in the UK. Afrocenchix’s products are made in the UK and sold worldwide, including in several African countries.
  1. Kush Films – Kush Films is a film production and distribution company that specializes in African and Caribbean cinema. The company was founded by Marlon Palmer, and it has since expanded to include a range of services, including screenings, events, and educational programs. Kush Films has worked with a number of African filmmakers and has helped to promote African cinema in the UK.
  2. African Market Baskets – African Market Baskets is a UK-based company that offers a range of handwoven baskets and other products made by women’s cooperatives in Africa. The company works directly with the cooperatives to ensure fair trade practices.
  3. Zipline – Zipline is a Rwandan-based company that operates the world’s largest drone delivery network, delivering medical supplies and blood products to healthcare facilities in Rwanda, Ghana, and other countries. The company has plans to expand to other countries in the future
  4. Uzuri K&Y – Uzuri K&Y is a Tanzanian-based company that produces and exports handmade jewelry made from natural African materials, including recycled glass, cow horn, and seeds. The company exports its products to several countries worldwide.
  5. Twiga Foods Twiga Foods is a Kenyan-based company that connects farmers and vendors to sell fresh produce, including fruits and vegetables, to customers in Kenya and beyond. The company exports its products to several countries in East Africa.
  6. Soko – Soko is a Kenyan-based jewelry company that uses sustainable materials in its products. The company ships its products worldwide.
  7. The Leakey Collection – The Leakey Collection is a Kenyan-based company that offers a range of jewelry and home decor made from sustainable materials. The company ships its products worldwide.
  8. Sanaa Gateja – Sanaa Gateja is a Ugandan artist and designer who creates a range of products, including clothing, jewelry, and home decor. His products are sold in the UK and other international locations.
  9. Mami Wata – Mami Wata is a UK-based brand that designs and manufactures premium range of apparel, surfboards and accessories in Africa to create jobs and build skills. The company works with designers and artisans in Africa and the diaspora to create its products.

Unleash Your Beauty: The Magic of a Professional Makeup Artist

In today’s world, where appearances play a significant role, embracing your unique beauty has become more important than ever. Whether it’s for a special occasion, a professional photo shoot, or simply enhancing your everyday look, a professional makeup artist can be your secret weapon. With their expertise, creativity, and passion for all things beauty, makeup artists have the power to transform your appearance and boost your confidence like never before. In this post, we will explore the many reasons why hiring a professional makeup artist is a game-changer. We speak to the founder of beauty boudoir, a make service based in London about her passion for this industry, and why investing in their services is worth every penny.

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Firstly, let’s explore the value that Beauty Boudoir brings to you, the customer

i) Expertise that Matters:

Professional makeup artists undergo rigorous training and continuously keep up with the latest trends and techniques. As is the case with Imelda who spent months shadowing a professional makeup artist before working as a beauty columnist for a magazine. She’d worked her way up to beauty editor when she decided to start beauty boudoir. Her expertise goes beyond applying makeup; she has an in-depth understanding of different skin types, facial features, and color theory. By analysing your unique features, she can create a customized makeup look that accentuates your best features while minimizing any imperfections. Whether you desire a natural glow or a glamorous look, Beauty Boudoir has the skills to bring your vision to life flawlessly.

ii) Flawless Execution:

We’ve all experienced those frustrating moments when our attempts at applying makeup don’t quite turn out as planned. However, with a professional makeup artist, like Beauty Boudoir, you can bid farewell to those mishaps. Makeup artists at Beauty Boudoir possess an unmatched level of precision and attention to detail, ensuring that your makeup is applied flawlessly. They know how to work with different products, textures, and shades to create a cohesive and polished look that photographs beautifully.

iii) Customised Beauty:

Each person has unique features, preferences, and individuality. A professional makeup artist understands this and tailors their services accordingly. At Beauty Boudoir, they take the time to listen to your desires and work closely with you to create a look that aligns with your personality, the occasion, and your comfort level. They adapt their techniques to highlight your best features and enhance your natural beauty, making you feel like the best version of yourself.

iv) Save Time and Stress:

Getting ready for an important event can be stressful and time-consuming. Hiring a makeup artist allows you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience. Instead of rushing through your makeup routine, you can trust a professional to handle every detail, leaving you with more time to focus on other aspects of your preparation. A makeup artist from Beauty Boudoir comes equipped with a wide range of high-quality products, ensuring a luxurious experience without the hassle of searching for the perfect items yourself

v) Confidence Boost:

There’s something undeniably empowering about looking and feeling your best. At Beauty Boudoir the skilled makeup artist not only enhances your physical appearance but also boosts your self-confidence. They understand the transformative power of makeup and its ability to empower individuals. When you look in the mirror and see a flawless reflection, it’s difficult not to feel like you can conquer the world. With the support of a makeup artist, you’ll radiate confidence and leave a lasting impression.

Investing in the services of a professional makeup artist is a decision that can elevate your beauty routine and transform your appearance in ways you never thought possible. From their expertise and flawless execution to the customised looks they create, makeup artists at Beauty Boudoir have the power to make you feel like the best version of yourself. So, why wait? Embrace the magic of a professional makeup artist and unlock your true beauty today.

To book a makeup service for a special occasion click HERE

If you want to learn makeup as a skill you can book onto the training course HERE

Explore beauty boudoir products HERE

Continue reading on to find out about how Imelda started this great service business. First, here is what her clients have to say!

Satisfied customer review

Tell us about your background and why  you got into this business

Funny story, my degree is in accounting & business. I always wanted to work in finance but God had other plans for me. Beauty (hair, makeup, skin etc ) had always been something I enjoyed doing as a child growing up & also a natural gift I had. I remember always watching my mum do her hair and makeup whenever she was about to go out and I’ll get so excited and even ask if I could brush her hair for her or apply her lipstick for her etc.  When I was at uni, I’d always help my friends with their hair & makeup before they go raving. It was something I naturally enjoyed doing. Proverbs 18:6 says our gift will make room for us and I’m just walking in the manifestation of that promise . 

How did you get into the beauty business? 

Many many years ago I was contacted by an international makeup artist to model for one of her shoots she was planning in the UK and I remember being on the shoot and talking to her about my passion for makeup and beauty etc and how I love doing makeup for my sisters, friends and family just for fun. She then asked why I don’t do it as a job and I said I’ve always dreamed of working in Deloitte and finance was something I’ve always been interested in.  But after that shoot, her conversation stuck with me and I wondered if I could do both – finance & beauty.  So I ended up accompanying another makeup artist in London on her jobs just to see what doing makeup as a job looked like. Long story short, I met the right people, started as a beauty columnist for a magazine then worked my way up to beauty editor (while still studying for my acca) and God kept opening more and more doors in the beauty industry for me, which is why I decided to turn it into a full time business 11 years ago.  I’ve been blessed and fortunate enough to have the right people approach me to work with me. Our artists work with us on a freelance basis and get training quite often to brush up on their skills and learn new trends. We’re always open and willing to work with new artists. 

Another great review for Beauty Boudoir

What were some of your challenges when starting up and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge was trying to turn my gift /skill into a fully functioning business at a time where the industry wasn’t as saturated as it is now. Thankfully I had the knowledge from my business degree and the help from some friends & family who helped me navigate the early years and offered support in whatever capacity I needed it. Another thing I did A LOT (& still do till this day) is Pray!!!! Pray for insight, pray to be aligned with the right people, pray for direction & favour, the prayers are endless and God has never failed me.

What advice would you give a young person out there who would like to start a similar business?

Ask yourself why? If you know your “why” for doing anything you will always be motivated to do whatever it takes because your motive/reason for doing it will drive you. It’s important to make sure you’re also being driven by the right things and not by superficial “fluff” or what society dictates. 

2. Be consistent, always. Even when you think your consistency isn’t yielding any fruit, just stay consistent. A farmer doesn’t harvest his crops in a short period of time, but the day of bountiful harvest surely comes after all the hard work & consistency.

3. Study or learn from those who are doing what you would like to do, get a mentor or ask to intern with someone in the industry and learn as much as you can from them (this is almost a cheat sheet even).  

4. Pray!!!! Pray to God, the universe whoever or whatever you identify with and watch your dreams manifest

5. Believe in yourself!

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How to Boost Your Productivity with Allegiance Business Services

Are you a busy entrepreneur or professional in the U.K struggling to manage your day-to-day tasks? Do you find yourself spending hours on administrative work that takes away from your core business activities? If so, you may benefit from the services of Allegiance Business Services.

Allegiance Business services is a virtual assistance company providing administrative service and other support services to clients. They can help you with a wide range of tasks, including email management, scheduling, email marketing, copy typing, research, and more.

As a solopreneur or business owner, these are some of the benefits of hiring a Allegiance Business Services:

Save Time: By delegating your tasks to Allegiance Business Services , you can free up your time to focus on what you do best – growing your business. They can take care of the administrative work, leaving you with more time to concentrate on your core activities.

Increased Productivity: You can increase your productivity by getting more done in less time. Allegiance Business Services can handle routine tasks, freeing you up to focus on high-priority projects.

Cost-effective: Hiring a Virtual Assistant is often more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee.  You only pay for the hours worked, and you don’t have to worry about overhead costs like benefits, taxes, and office space.

I caught up with Selena Green the founder of Allegiance Business Services, who told me all about how it all started!

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Tell us about your background:

I come from a corporate background and fell into the legal sector over 10 years ago. I took on different roles in client services, administration and personal assistance but I wasn’t happy. I lacked vision and in some ways, I was very fearful of failure but I always wanted to work for myself. 

When I moved to the USA, I had no choice but to roll up my sleeves and be determined to grow. I continued to work in law but knew I was ready to start working for myself and consolidate all my skills and experience into the company I run today.

I moved back to the UK and registered Allegiance Business Services Ltd.

How did you get into the Virtual Assistant Business?

I was introduced to the sector when I joined a platform that acted as a marketplace connecting VAs to clients. I was able to register as a VA and received clients that needed my skills. When I got my first client, I was super happy but nervous as it was my first time starting out. Once I got some confidence, I then started to advertise myself on local apps. Through networking and word of mouth, I started to get more clients and no longer had to depend on social media. 

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What were some of your challenges when starting up and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge was believing in myself. Although I had worked for many years in different companies, I felt secure financially but I wasn’t happy at all. There were always  gremlins that would speak loud “It won’t work”, “what if no-one wants to hire you”, “there are more established VAs than you” etc but I overcame this by simply taking action and asking for advice along the way. I joined networking groups and other business support groups that helped me where I was stuck and that was very important for me.

What makes Allegiance Business Services different from other virtual assistants?

When working with a client, my priority is not only doing heavy consuming tasks but understanding their vision and making sure that I am the right person to help them. Once I know that I can help them, I make sure my work is of high quality and that I develop a long term relationship with my clients.

 Allegiance Business Services, provides top-notch virtual assistant services to entrepreneurs and professionals around the world. Their team of experienced professionals can help you with a wide range of tasks, from email management to scheduling and more.

If you’re interested in learning more about their services, please visit our website at https://allegiancebusinessservices.com/#home.

Allegiance Business Services will help you save time, increase productivity, and grow your business in the UK

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Discover the Best Natural Hair Salon for Black Hair in the UK

When it comes to hair care, black people in the UK have unique needs that require special attention and care. The natural hair movement has been gaining momentum in recent years, with many people embracing their natural hair textures and styles. If you’re looking for a natural hair salon in the UK that understands the intricacies of black hair and can help you achieve the look you want, look no further than Natural and Proud.

Based in Southeast London, UK, Natural and Proud specializes in natural hairstyles and treatments that cater to the specific needs of black hair. The salon uses only the highest-quality natural, organic, and chemical-free products that are designed to nourish and protect black hair, leaving it healthy, strong, and beautiful.

Customer review

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The  team of experienced stylists is passionate about natural hair and understands the unique needs of black hair. Natural and Proud offers a range of services from simple plaits to bold new styles, and complete hair transformations to help you achieve your hair goals. In addition, we offer a variety of hair care treatments designed to nourish and revitalize black hair, including deep conditioning treatments and hair steaming sessions.

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Founder Alesha Nembhard believes that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. She has created an environment at the salon that  provides a safe and welcoming space for black people to embrace their natural beauty and feel proud of who they are. So why wait? Book an appointment with the best natural hair salon for black hair in the UK today and discover the transformative power of natural hair styling.

You can visit natural and proud at 77a Springbank road, SE13 6SS or message them on WhatsApp: 07903420466

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Review from a satisfied customer

I had the chance to learn about the owner of Natural and Proud who shared her background and passion for natural hair care for black women.

What is your background and how you got into this business

I was born on the sunny and beautiful island of Jamaica. My initial dream was to become a nurse in the army. Whilst visiting my sister in 2001, I fell in love with the British Army and signed up instantly.  Unfortunately culture shock got to me and deterred me from pursuing my dream.

I love seeing people happy which brought me into studying Dental nursing and Dental therapy and worked in this field for 9 years. Hairdressing was something I did as a hobby, while taking on different vocations and jobs.I was so good at this hobby that I was encouraged to do it professionally.So I did. 

In 2014 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia which caused me to struggle with my health and look after 2 young children. I therefore decided to make hairdressing my main job. I felt it would be best to choose my own working hours due to my health and also spend more time with my children.

Alesha, like many other black women out there, is all too familiar with how challenging it can be to look after Afro hair, especially when the incorrect products or techniques are used. She teaches her clients about techniques, products and styles that encourage healthy hair growth. She also highlights conditions that can impact hair growth, such as iron deficiency and low vitamin D, which can be a huge game changer for some women.

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How did you go about starting this business?

In 2007 I opened my first salon with the help of a friend who invested £1000, which I used to rent the premises. Luckily, the premises I found had all the main equipment required for a salon, which reduced my setup costs. 

Initially I worked by myself,  then a family friend joined as a stylist. The business was doing great but. It was a struggle to get the right stylists. There is a certain type of behavior and unprofessionalism that has become synonymous when people think of  black salons. I wanted to be set apart from that and wanted people to leave my salon feeling happy, beautiful and confident. As a practicing Christian I wanted the presence of God to be constant in my salon which brought a lot of calmness and tact in my business. 

How can your customers find you?

Most of my customers find me through ‘word of mouth’ and I also advertise on Instagram and Facebook which gives people the chance to see your work

If you are looking for a natural hair salon that specializes in black hair in London, then don’t hesitate to book an appointment with Natural and Proud. You can book via telephone on:

Check out Natural and Proud INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK pages and book your next hair appointment. Get your hair needs met and feel proud of who you are at natural and proud!

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Vegan Skincare products made with you in mind

MSA skin care is a natural, organic and vegan skincare brand that is cruelty and plastic free. It has been operating for over 1 year with an eco-friendly approach, which includes a re-fill service for customers.

All products are created by mother of 3 and founder Suprina Hilaire. She uses natural and sustainably sourced ingredients that are good for the skin and kind to the planet. MSA Skin Care is on a mission to empower women to be confident in their skin and to make the skincare routine an enjoyable experience as opposed to a chore.

The products help customers who have dry skin and dry eczema problem – which can be alleviated by the Vanilla and Sandalwood body butter available to buy from MSA Skincare website.

Here is how what happened when I caught up with founder of MSA Skincare, Suprina Hilaire:

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Tell us about your background and why you decided to get into the skincare business.

I am a single mother of three with a diploma in skincare formulation and Aromatherapy.

My first career was in education as an Assistant Teacher, which I did for 20 years. I have always had an interest in Aromatherapy and I started an essential oil collection years ago, which I used for my own personal use.

After getting married, having kids and then getting divorced, I realised I had always put my aspirations on hold, so my journey began to find myself and what I wanted to do. As a procrastinator it took me a while to finally push forward and start the business. Initially, I wasn’t a big skincare enthusiast as I used “simple” products. However, after receiving my first facial, I loved the way my skin felt. It was at that point that I started investing more time into learning about skincare products and practicing a regular skincare routine. As a sufferer of dry skin and a daughter who suffered with eczema, I got fed up with steroid creams and decided to make products, I knew I could trust.


What was your first product and how did you go about creating it?

Vanilla & Sandalwood Body Butter was my first product, which I created as part of an assignment on a skincare course I took. It was made with my dry skin in mind, as I needed something that would nourish skin naturally without the harsh chemicals.  It’s made from a selection of rich butters, plant-based carrier oils and essential oils for skin hydration.

What were some of your challenges when you started your skin care company? How did you overcome them?

I faced a number of challenges which included finding the right suppliers for ingredients as well as packaging, building brand awareness, especially on social media and creating an online presence. 

With regards to the online presence, I built my website myself during the first lockdown. I taught myself, used templates and managed to get a great looking final product.

When it came to suppliers, I did a lot of research myself, contacted potential suppliers and attended trade shows. Building brand awareness – this is still ongoing, but to start the process I joined a few membership groups and did some networking. 

A Lot of it was teaching myself and asking questions and would recommend this to anyone starting a business

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How did you overcome procrastination?

I have found ways to deal with procrastination, which can be seen by the fact that I started my business. For example, I thought I needed a number of qualifications (at least that’s what I told myself) in order to start my business. However, after being rejected for a course that I thought would help me, I decided I was just going to start the business anyway and remember saying this to a friend and that was it.

I believe in myself more now and so just tend to go for things that I put my mind to.


What is your bestselling product and why do you think customers like?

At the moment there are 2 top sellers: The Vanilla & Sandalwood Body Butter, which has a comforting smell and it nourishes dry skin as it sinks in. The other product is the hand spray. With everyone sanitising their hands a lot more, this is a great one as it is a spray not a gel and it doesn’t dry out your hands or leave them sticky.  Plus, there is a refill available.

Customers can buy these products directly from our online store here

What do you enjoy the most in your entrepreneurial journey?

Making the products and receiving great customer feedback of how the product has worked for them.  I also enjoy learning new things about myself and my determination.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a skincare company?

Persevere, get help, don’t do it alone, think about your support network, if in doubt, ask, look after yourself, take time out regularly. It’s ok to outsource and data is key, record it weekly.

Thanks for the insight into your business journey so far Suprina!

Upcycling for creative reuse


Yal-Art is an Award-Winning Art brand started in 2019 by Founder Bertha Wensah, a self-taught prolific fabric artist born in Ghana and raised in the cosmopolitan city of London. The company was born out of her fascination of the vibrant fabrics of Ghana as well as her environmentally conscious attitude.

Yal means fabric in the language of MO, from Northern Ghana where Bertha’s parents come from. Bertha produces pochoir art. Pochoir, which is French for “Stencil” is distinguished from ordinary stencilling and is a highly refined technique of making limited edition prints. She uses fabrics to incorporate into the stencils to create individualised art work for all occasions.

As you can tell, Fabric is the overarching theme of every unique handmade piece of Art. Each piece of fabric is delicately and intricately fused into a design to create timeless art you can treasure or give as a gift.

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The company was created when Bertha started using fabrics ethically sourced from Ghana in addition to unwanted pieces of fabric from friends and family, to make art pieces. She quickly realised that she wanted to contribute positively to the environment, and therefore moved to purely using upcycled fabrics for creative reuse. “I find this to be sustainable for the business as it affords me the unique opportunity to contribute, in a small way to the environment”, says Bertha.

In 2019 Yal-Art won the BWB Award in the category of Business Start-Up of The Year. This was a great opportunity for the upcycle business, which was less than a year old at the time. In 2020 the business was rebranded with the new name Yal-Art. Art lovers can buy Yal-Art pieces directly from their online store or work with Bertha to commission one-of-a-kind art pieces, therefore allowing environmentally conscious art lovers to add a personal touch to create the final results.

Yal – Art

Do you have a creative process? If so, what is it?

I don’t have a creative process as such but work really well when the sun is out. I am able to work at my peak with natural lighting and the sun helps me feel relaxed and engaged. UK weather is so unpredictable that it makes it quite difficult sometimes, for me to work at my best. I am not a sun worshiper by the way, I worship the one who created the sun.

I think I may have that sad syndrome where I don’t do well during winter months but thrive tremendously during the summer and warmer months.

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How easy did (or do) you find selling your art? What made you decide to sell it?

I didn’t initially set out to sell my work. I created my first prototype for my brother as a gift. The first image I created was the map of Africa. I took a picture of it and posted on my WhatsApp status just to see what people thought. I didn’t tell anyone that I had created it at the time. I sent it to quite a few people in my contacts list to get their honest opinion and feedback.

The response was overwhelming and I decided to start an Instagram page to post images of my art. My brother and friends supported me to get the first company name and things just took off from there.

To date, I have sold my work through word of mouth, online via my website and through markets and exhibitions, that I have participated in. Friends and family also help but they don’t account for a large market.

What do you enjoy the most in your entrepreneurial journey?

I enjoy meeting new people along the journey, especially when I do markets or exhibitions. Learning new ways to do business and improve what I do and getting feedback from my customers.

How do you find and decide on which markets / exhibitions to participate in?

I have a few different ways of doing this.  A lot of market holders have reached out to me in the past to trade with them.

I also get recommendation from other business owners who have traded with a particular market and feel that it’s a good fit for my business. Therefore, I would reach out to those markets based on that feedback.

Sometimes it is as simple as coming across a sponsored ad on social media. I then follow up with the organisation in order to exhibit with them.

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What about the operational side of the business, does this play a big part in your business?

I do everything (marketing, accounting) myself and I still work part-time for social services on top of that. Hence, it can be challenging juggling everything, however I purposely work part-time so that I can run the business. I still have a lot to learn in order to structure it properly so that I can make a real success of it. I constantly receive excellent reviews for my services and creations and I guess this is what won me my first Award in 2019 when the business was less than a year old

What is your most popular piece? Why do you think customers like it?

I don’t have just one popular piece because all my pieces are personalised, customers always have the opportunity to put their own personal touch on what they order making it unique to them.

What challenges have you faced so far and how have you dealt with them? 

I have faced multiple challenges as an entrepreneur. For example, I don’t drive and this weighed heavenly on my purse and physical health as I have often needed to travel to multiple markets or exhibitions for a period of time. Sometimes as far as Manchester, Luton etc.

Thank you for sharing your story on Black Business Blog!

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